Kamis, 15 November 2018

Future perfect continous


Future Perfect Continious adalah tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan atau peristiwa yang akan terus berlangsung sampai waktu yang akan datang. Future perfect continious ini menekankan durasi dari kegiatan yang sudah dilakukan, tetapi masih terjadi di masa yang akan mendatang. 

Rumus future perfect continious

  • Kalimat positif 

Subjek + will + have been + verb-ing
e.g : monic will have been living here for 3 years by next month.

  • Kalimat negatif 

Subjek + will + not + have been + verb-ing
e.g : monic will not have been living here for 3 year by next month.

  • Kalimat tanya 

Will + subjek + have been + verb-ing + ?
e.g : will monic have been living here for 3 year by next month.

Ciri – Ciri khusus
Tanda waktu yang biasa digunakan pada future perfect continious :
By thr end of ...
For ... next ...
At this time tomorrow
By ...  for ...

1 komentar:

  1. Assalamu'alaikum, Linarmi, it is ok.. I have some suggestions, Consider your focus,by adding more info under the title; make bigger your font in posting as well as their contrast with background; classify your postings by using label and shorten them by giving "read more"; I wait the improvement soon.


Future perfect continous

FUTURE PERFECT CONTINIOUS Future Perfect Continious adalah tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan atau peristiwa yang akan t...